Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Island, NY to Baltimore, MD

After waiting out Hurricane Irene in Three Mile Harbor, Long Island, we had a nice sail wing and wing to Montauk on Monday, 8/29/11. We did run aground on our way through the shallow channel, but we were able to get off ourselves. On Tuesday, 8/30/11 we departed Montauk at 9:00 AM and motored all day and through the night toward Cape May. We arrived in Cape May on Wednesday evening and anchored by the Coast Guard station. On Thursday, 9/1/11 we motored through the Cape May Canal, up the Delaware Bay and through the C & D Canal, anchoring on the Bohemia River- an 80 mile day. On Friday, 9/2/11 we reached our current location of Baltimore, MD. Trilogy will spend at least the month September in her home waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Pictured: Trilogy in her slip during Hurricane Irene; Sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean; Atlantic City as seen from the ocean.

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