Friday, December 23, 2011

Miami, FL to Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahamas

On Sunday, 12/12/11 we dinghied to Miami Marina to get some engine parts, and saw a mama and baby manatee right from the marina dock. Stayed at our South Beach anchorage on Tuesday and Wednesday, then moved to Marine Stadium anchorage on Thursday. The Marine Stadium was built in the early sixties, and big name concerts would play there- Jimmy Buffet and the Grateful Dead, etc. You could sail your boat in and listen to the show right from your boat at the anchorage. It closed in the eighties, and now skateboarders use the roof to skateboard. We finally got a forecast of settled weather and left for the Bahamas on Friday, 12/16/11 at sunset- motored into the wind and across the gulf stream. We passed the north side of Bimini at sunrise. We continued to motor SE across the bank toward Andros, anchoring on the bank on Saturday night. Motor-sailed to Andros the next day and went through customs at Morgan's Bluff. We took a long land excursion on Monday to check out Nicholls Town. On Tuesday morning we went to see Uncle Charlie's Blue Hole. Andros island is full  of blue holes, which are vertical caves filled with water, hundreds of feet deep. That evening, Leiby received a call from Pop with the tragic news of his older brother Steve's sudden death. The next two days were spent trying to make arrangements to get back for the funeral. Besides the weather being against us to get to Nassau for a flight, we discovered all the marinas in Nassau were booked solid through the holidays- we literally could not find a place to leave the boat. We regret that it is not possible to get back in time for the funeral tomorrow. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time. Yesterday, we motor-sailed on a port tack south through the Tongue of the Ocean to Fresh Creek, Andros. Pictured: the manatee and her baby; the Marine Stadium; Trilogy anchored in Miami; sunrise entering the Bahamas with Bimini on the right; Captain Hard-ass, who helped us secure our boat to go through customs; Conch salad; Uncle Charlie's Blue Hole.


  1. these are great pictures!!! You guys have become quite the photographers! Miss and love you both.

  2. looks like a fun time. RIP Uncle Steve.
