Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bridgeport, CT to Portland, ME

So much has happened since our last blog. After Leiby returned to Bridgeport, we sailed with a SW wind behind us to the Thimble Islands and anchored between High and Pot Island. The Thimbles consist of many islands of rocky formation. We then motor-sailed most of the way to Mystic Harbor. We were fogged in for 2 nights, but Mystic CT is a nice town in which to be stuck. On the 4th of July, the fog cleared in the afternoon and we were able to pull anchor and sail to Point Judith Harbor of Refuge on a slow, broad reach, starboard tack. We saw a spectacular show of fireworks- individual displays 180 degrees around us. The next morning, we motored approx. 3 hours to Newport, RI. We arrived in the morning as many boats were leaving after the holiday weekend and found a nice spot to anchor in Brenton Cove. Ruefus and I celebrated our birthdays together on 7/6/11. The next day, we continued up Narragansett Bay and anchored in Greenwhich Bay. We had a nice, clear sail which then turned into a challenging, foggy motor to Cuttyhunk Island in Buzzard's Bay. We then sailed to Mattapoisett, MA where our beloved dog Ruefus passed away peacefully at the Mattapoisett Veterinary Hospital after a long, brave struggle with Degenerative Myelopathy. We love you, Ruefus. Rest in peace, you are our proud boy and we miss you like crazy. We continued up Buzzard's Bay, through the Cape Cod Canal and sailed overnight in the ocean up the coast to Portland, ME. We got a slip yesterday at South Port Marine to do get provisions and do laundry. Pictured: Darlene at Captain's Cove Seaport in Bridgeport, CT; On the bridge in Mystic, CT; The crew of Trilogy on a wall at a beach in Newport, RI; Going through the Cape Cod Canal; Our approach to the Maine Coast; Storm clouds over Portland, ME; Our beloved boy giving kisses and getting kisses.

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